Sunday, February 28, 2010

When will it end?

When will our television "news" stations stop repeating things that are untrue and hideously biased. You may be wondering what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the fact that the news,fox in particular is pushing a lie about the legislative process in this country and thus making America stupider. The current lie has to do with the rumored plan that the Democratic majority in the house and the senate might pass a health care reform bill through reconciliation. As expected republicans are up in arms and freaking out saying that reconciliation is unconstitutional and a bad idea despite the fact that they've used it before and in fact most of the times its been used they've used it.Now we have fox purposely confusing reconciliation with the nuclear option even though they're dramatically different. Now I know that some stations lean one way or another but lets try to at least report the facts first. Seriously though fox,cut it out. Its getting old and its not helping anyone.Watch the latest confusion of facts below